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Friday, June 4, 2010

RUSH: Beyond The Lighted Stage

"Whaaaaaaat?!" Am I seeing this right? A RUSH documentary? Apparently, there ARE some people out there who still appreciate this band. Whether you like them or not, you can't deny their legacy and contribution to music they've put forth over the last 40 years. Rush: Beyond The Lighted Stage, will hit theaters nationwide on 06/10. The vast majority of the theaters will be having only 1 showing. Follow this link for the showings closest to you

This movie will explore the beginnings of Rush in the late 60's, and continue on throughout the storied career of these rock pioneers. Sam Dunn and Scot McFadyen are the directors, who have already received critical acclaim for their work on Iron Maiden's "Flight 666" documentary.

Fellow music colleagues will add commentary including the likes of: Gene Simmons, Kirk Hammett, Trent Reznor, Les Claypool, and Mike Portnoy among others. It's about time that this power trio garner the spotlight it has deserved for decades. Rush will also be embarking on a North American tour this summer beginning in Albuquerque, NM on 06/29. You do not want to miss this show as they will be playing their timeless classic 'Moving Pictures', in its entirety. Check for tour dates here on Rush's website:

Geddy, Alex and Neil are music thoroughbreds who have stood the test of time. They are masters of their instruments who have influenced many of today's accomplished musicians. They continue to tour to sold out arenas around the world and are getting ready to release their 20th (yes, that says 20th) studio album. There's only 1 lingering question....WHY IS THIS BAND NOT IN THE ROCK AND ROLL HALL OF FAME?!!

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