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Thursday, June 10, 2010

Chicago Tribune Gets Laugh At Pronger's Expense

The Chicago Tribune released the above poster in the June 9th edition of their paper.  Pronger was asked about the poster during a media session and reportedly responded "I don't read what you guys write.  Good or bad."  For those that might not be able to see the print the poster reads as follows:

Chrissy Pronger:  Looks like Tarzan, skates like Jane
-4 Plus/Minus in 3 Hawks wins
-5 Plus/Minus in Game 5
100% Chance we'll change our minds if Hawks sign him

Kind of a low blow on the part of the Tribune who are probably as desperate to sell papers as every other newspaper in the country nowadays.  But perhaps it's justified after Pronger's theft of game winning pucks in Games 1 and 2 of the Stanley Cup Finals.

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