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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

4-Color Pick Of The Week

Thunderbolts #144

Writer:  Jeff Parker

Artist:  Kev Walker

Colors:  Frank Martin
Cover Artist:  Marko Djurdjevic

Publisher:  Marvel

Cover Price:  $2.99

Release Date:  5/26/2010

For the past several years the Thunderbolts series has had its ups and downs with the most memorable run occurring under Warren Ellis' pen from issues #110-121.  Current writer Jeff Parker took over the title starting in issue #138 and did an admirable job of writing with an inherited lineup from previous writers.  Parker would spend the next 7 issues wrapping up loose ends under Marvel's Dark Reign storyline which then led directly into the mini event Siege.

Now that Siege has come to a close, Parker is seemingly writing Thunderbolts with a team of his choosing keeping two members from the most recent lineup in Moonstone and the enigmatic Ghost.  "Reformed" past members Songbird and the newly renamed Mach V rejoin as well as the two wild cards in the unstoppable Juggernaut and Crossbones who finds himself sentenced to life in prison for his involvement in the murder of Captain America.

Ironically, the man behind this new version of the Thunderbolts is the recently-deceased-then-revived ex-Captain America, Steve Rogers.  Rogers uses his new position as leader of SHIELD to appoint Luke Cage AKA Power Man to head this new T-Bolts squad with the central theme of the issue being about redemption.

I'll stop there with the story description so as not to ruin it for anyone wanting to read the issue, but Thunderbolts #144 is an excellent jumping on point for new readers as the team establishes a clear new direction with new members yet alludes enough about past events to bring someone new to the book up to speed on past events.  New artist Kev Walker brings an edgier look to the title with his bold costume redesigns.  His unique style brings a frenetic energy to each page that coupled with Parker's engaging tale shows real promise for future issues.

For anyone looking to pick up something new to read this comes highly recommended.

9 / 10 Rating

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